5 Top Tips for Perfecting your Horses Tail Game

5 Top Tips for Perfecting your Horses Tail Game

Are you embracing horse show life and hitting the ring this show season? Or does your horse just need a little help in the tail department? Here are our Top 5 Tips for acing your horses tail game!


  1. Detangler! As a person with curly hair who has always hated hair brushing I am a massive advocate for detangler spray for both people and horses! To avoid tearing those precious locks out at the root apply a detangler to your horses tail and mane before you attempt to put a brush through it. We love the Hairy Pony Detangle and Shine (the watermelon scent is our favourite!) because it doesn’t leave the hair oily but does give it a beautiful softness. The equine soap co handmade detangler is also a beautiful choice with a lovely natural fragrance to it that always reminds me of walking in the bush.


  1. Choose the right Brush. If you’re in a rush and just want to ride it can be tempting to just get the job done and give your horse a quick all over with the same brush. But your horse will thank you if you take the time to groom them completely and it also gives you a chance to check for any injuries, lumps or bumps before you head out riding. I find it quite cathartic and calming PLUS the regularly well groomed horse always stands out in the ring. A proper mane and tail brush such as this one from Hairy Pony wont tear your horses tail hairs out and is easily untangled should you find a knot while brushing.


  1. A Tail Bag will protect your horses tail from dirt and stop it collecting sticks and chunks of sawdust or hay (or is that just our grubby grey pony?) Make sure to clean your tail bag and to remove the tail every few days to groom it otherwise it will just end up dirtier than it started and try and remember to clean your tail bag before you wash you’re pony, there is nothing more frustrating that realising you put a freshly cleaned tail into a dirty tail bag and having to rewash it (don’t worry I’ve done it to!) We hand-make our lycra tail bags from swimwear fabric that is designed to hold up to chlorine and is SPF rated so they do quite well out in the paddock however I do suggest changing over to a water resistant canvas bag during winter and the lycra bags stretch in the rain and then drag through the mud causing a complete mess – don’t worry though if you wash the bag and lay it flat to dry it should go back to its original size (again we’ve done it)


  1. Make sure the tail is DRY! Before you plait, braid or bag allow the tail to dry out otherwise you risk creating extra breakage of the tail hairs. I like to wash my tails first and then put a Hairy Pony Hair Repair Treatment in before rinsing and allowing it to get a head start drying while I scrub legs.


  1. Hairy Pony Silky Serum. This stuff is gold! It’s currently quite literally gold in colour but they do change it up, last batch was green and I believe it was clear the batch before that but no matter the colour the stuff is magical. Apply to a clean and detangled mane and tail to hydrate and promote healing of dry, damaged tails. Its silicon free and has a lovely texture that isn’t sticky or oily.


A couple of bonus tips for you; avoid paddocking with cows or goats they love to chew on tails. Just like our hair -  tails do appreciate the occasion trimming. And  lastly remember to enjoy the time spent caring for your horses tail,  Any kind of grooming session is a fantastic opportunity to bond with your best friend

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